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29 July, 19:00, Tue
DCI: Drum Corps International. 2025-07-29 19:00, Centerville Elks Football Stadium, Center ...
76 USD
DCI: Drum Corps International. 2025-07-29 19:00, Centerville Elks Football Stadi ...
04 May, 16:00, Sun
California Symphony. 2025-05-04 16:00, Margaret Lesher Theatre at Lesher Center for the Ar ...
136 USD
10 August, 14:00, Sun
Cirque: Troupe Vertigo. 2025-08-10 14:00, DeVitt Jones Theater at The Buddy Holly Hall of ...
103 USD
29 March, 20:00, Sat
Oswaldo Montenegro. 2025-03-29 20:00, UCS Teatro, Caxias do Sul, Brazil. Tune in to a soni ...
49 USD
11 April, 20:30, Fri
The Addams Family. 2025-04-11 20:30, Oxford Performing Arts Center, Oxford, United States. ...
61 USD
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