बारे में घटना

⭐ Discover endless excitement at Bounce Empire , Colorado's 50,000-square-foot indoor amusement park with over 50 attractions, from three-story slides to a 360
° concert stage. Relax in the upscale 21+ Rubbish Bar & Lounge or savor locally sourced cuisine at Bounce Bistro. Don’t miss it!
🍻 Bounce over to College Night and get a free drink with your college ID!
🎡 Experience over 50 thrilling amusement attractions at Bounce Empire , the world's largest inflatable amusement park
🎶 Enjoy live music performances on an epic 360
° hydraulic stage
🍴 Savor farm-fresh, healthy fast-casual dining at Bounce Bistro, then unwind at the 21+ VIP Rubbish Bar & Ultra Lounge
🍃 Get some fresh air on the 4,000-square-foot outdoor terrace with mountain views
General Info
📅 Dates and times: Select date from calendar
⏳ Duration: All-day access / Event starts at 10:00 PM
📍 Location: Bounce Empire, 1380 S Public Rd, Lafayette, CO 80026
👤 Age requirement: +18
♿ Accessibility: the venue is ADA compliant
❓ Please consult the FAQs of this experience here
Description Unleash your wild side at Bounce Empire , Colorado's ultimate 50,000-square-foot indoor amusement park! Dive into over 50 thrilling attractions, including three-story slides, massage chairs, the world’s longest inflatable obstacle course, a massive 160-inch movie screen with recliners, and a 360
° hydraulic concert stage. Relax in the luxurious 21+ Rubbish Bar & Lounge or indulge in locally sourced delights at Bounce Bistro. Perfect for unforgettable parties, don’t miss out and get your tickets for Bounce Empire in Denver!
दोस्तों के साथ बांटें: viber
⭐ Discover endless excitement at Bounce Empire , Colorado's 50,000-square-foot indoor amusement park with over 50 attractions, from three-story slides to a 360
° concert stage. Relax in the upscale 21+ Rubbish Bar & Lounge or savor locally sourced cuisine at Bounce Bistro. Don’t miss it!
🍻 Bounce over to College Night and get a free drink with your college ID!
🎡 Experience over 50 thrilling amusement attractions at Bounce Empire , the world's largest inflatable amusement park
🎶 Enjoy live music performances on an epic 360
° hydraulic stage
🍴 Savor farm-fresh, healthy fast-casual dining at Bounce Bistro, then unwind at the 21+ VIP Rubbish Bar & Ultra Lounge
🍃 Get some fresh air on the 4,000-square-foot outdoor terrace with mountain views
General Info
📅 Dates and times: Select date from calendar
⏳ Duration: All-day access / Event starts at 10:00 PM
📍 Location: Bounce Empire, 1380 S Public Rd, Lafayette, CO 80026
👤 Age requirement: +18
♿ Accessibility: the venue is ADA compliant
❓ Please consult the FAQs of this experience here
Description Unleash your wild side at Bounce Empire , Colorado's ultimate 50,000-square-foot indoor amusement park! Dive into over 50 thrilling attractions, including three-story slides, massage chairs, the world’s longest inflatable obstacle course, a massive 160-inch movie screen with recliners, and a 360
° hydraulic concert stage. Relax in the luxurious 21+ Rubbish Bar & Lounge or indulge in locally sourced delights at Bounce Bistro. Perfect for unforgettable parties, don’t miss out and get your tickets for Bounce Empire in Denver!
दोस्तों के साथ बांटें: viber

टिकिट का प्रकार





25 USD



बिक गया


बारे में घटना

Bounce Empire - College Night Experience

21 मार्च 2025, 12:00 am (GMT +0)
Bounce Empire Denver
25 USD

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