बारे में घटना

🎁 Gift this experience to your loved ones! Click here to check out our gift card. Tickets for Hand-Rolled Sushi in Los Angeles
🎫 Single Ticket for 1 person
🍣 Learn how to make sushi rolls at home
🐟 Select sushi-grade fish for your rolls
🥑 Add tasty neta to enhance your dining experience
🍥 Make three delicious types of sushi rolls
General Info
📅 Date: Select your dates and times directly in the ticket selector
📍 Location: Audiograph Beer Co, Los Angeles
👤 Age Requirement: 21+ with valid ID to consume alcohol
🍷 Drinks are NOT included in the ticket price, but a selection of pours is available for purchase on-site
Description Roll up your sleeves and dive into the delicious world of sushi making! Join a hands-on cooking class where you'll master the art of creating perfect sushi rolls. From selecting the freshest ingredients to mastering the techniques, you'll leave with the skills to impress your friends and family with your sushi-making prowess. Don't miss out on this exciting culinary adventure - get your tickets now!
दोस्तों के साथ बांटें: viber
🎁 Gift this experience to your loved ones! Click here to check out our gift card. Tickets for Hand-Rolled Sushi in Los Angeles
🎫 Single Ticket for 1 person
🍣 Learn how to make sushi rolls at home
🐟 Select sushi-grade fish for your rolls
🥑 Add tasty neta to enhance your dining experience
🍥 Make three delicious types of sushi rolls
General Info
📅 Date: Select your dates and times directly in the ticket selector
📍 Location: Audiograph Beer Co, Los Angeles
👤 Age Requirement: 21+ with valid ID to consume alcohol
🍷 Drinks are NOT included in the ticket price, but a selection of pours is available for purchase on-site
Description Roll up your sleeves and dive into the delicious world of sushi making! Join a hands-on cooking class where you'll master the art of creating perfect sushi rolls. From selecting the freshest ingredients to mastering the techniques, you'll leave with the skills to impress your friends and family with your sushi-making prowess. Don't miss out on this exciting culinary adventure - get your tickets now!
दोस्तों के साथ बांटें: viber

टिकिट का प्रकार





69 USD



बिक गया


बारे में घटना

Hand Rolled Sushi - LA

22 मार्च 2025, 12:00 am (GMT +0)
Audio Graph Beer Co. Los Angeles
69 USD

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