बारे में घटना

Tickets for Ice Cream Museum in Austin
🎫 Regular Daytime (ages 3+) ticket for 1 person
🎫 Adult Night (ages 16+) ticket for 1 person
🍦 Let your imagination run wild at this pink, ice cream-themed paradise
🤩 Taste, play, dance, connect, imagine, and swim across 12 multi-sensory installations
🍬 Receive sweet treats as you make your way through the museum
📸 Capture the magic at several Instagram-worthy photo spots
General Info
📅 Dates: Mondays - Sundays
🕒 Times: various timeslots available (select during purchase)
📍 Location: Museum of Ice Cream
👤 Age requirement: all ages welcome. Free entry for children under 3
♿ Accessibility: wheelchair accessible
❓ Please note: see your PDF ticket for details
❗ For this event, all sales are final and tickets can’t be refunded, changed or modified. For more information, please refer to our T&Cs
Description Let your imagination run wild at the Ice Cream Museum in Austin. Taste, play, dance, and swim across this pink paradise made up of 12 multi-sensory installations. You will also receive some tasty treats along the way including carnival cotton candy and more! Plus, take incredible photos of the dreamlike surroundings in popular exhibits like Sprinkle Pool, Banana Forest, and Rainbow Tunnel. What are you waiting for? Call your friends and get ready to sprinkle some magic on your day. Get your tickets for the Ice Cream Museum in Austin!
दोस्तों के साथ बांटें: viber
Tickets for Ice Cream Museum in Austin
🎫 Regular Daytime (ages 3+) ticket for 1 person
🎫 Adult Night (ages 16+) ticket for 1 person
🍦 Let your imagination run wild at this pink, ice cream-themed paradise
🤩 Taste, play, dance, connect, imagine, and swim across 12 multi-sensory installations
🍬 Receive sweet treats as you make your way through the museum
📸 Capture the magic at several Instagram-worthy photo spots
General Info
📅 Dates: Mondays - Sundays
🕒 Times: various timeslots available (select during purchase)
📍 Location: Museum of Ice Cream
👤 Age requirement: all ages welcome. Free entry for children under 3
♿ Accessibility: wheelchair accessible
❓ Please note: see your PDF ticket for details
❗ For this event, all sales are final and tickets can’t be refunded, changed or modified. For more information, please refer to our T&Cs
Description Let your imagination run wild at the Ice Cream Museum in Austin. Taste, play, dance, and swim across this pink paradise made up of 12 multi-sensory installations. You will also receive some tasty treats along the way including carnival cotton candy and more! Plus, take incredible photos of the dreamlike surroundings in popular exhibits like Sprinkle Pool, Banana Forest, and Rainbow Tunnel. What are you waiting for? Call your friends and get ready to sprinkle some magic on your day. Get your tickets for the Ice Cream Museum in Austin!
दोस्तों के साथ बांटें: viber

टिकिट का प्रकार





37 USD



बिक गया


बारे में घटना

Ice Cream Museum Austin

27 मार्च 2025, 12:00 am (GMT +0)
Ice Cream Museum Austin Austin
37 USD

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