बारे में घटना

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⭐ Ready to laugh your socks off? Soho Comedy Factory at 30 Dean Street is your go-to destination for a night filled with top-notch stand-up comedy, featuring comedians from Live at the Apollo, Taskmaster, and Mock the Week! 
🎭 The best UK comedians from iconic shows
🏛️ Experience a comedy night at the legendary 30 Dean Street in Soho
😂 Laughter-filled evening perfect for friends, dates, or solo fun
General Info
📅 Date: Thursdays, Friday & Saturdays
⏰ Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
🕒 Show: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
🕒 Late show: 9:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
📍 Location: 30 Dean St,  London, W1D 3RZ
👤 Age: 18+ with valid ID
Description Get ready for a night of side-splitting comedy at Soho Comedy Factory, now at its brand-new venue, 30 Dean Street! This is the perfect setting for an uproarious night of laughs, featuring the best comedians from popular UK shows. Make sure to arrive early for the best seats, and prepare for an unforgettable evening. With a stellar lineup of top comedic talent, this is the ultimate way to enjoy a night out in Soho. Secure your tickets now!
🎁 Gift this experience to your loved ones! Click here to check out our gift card.
⭐ Ready to laugh your socks off? Soho Comedy Factory at 30 Dean Street is your go-to destination for a night filled with top-notch stand-up comedy, featuring comedians from Live at the Apollo, Taskmaster, and Mock the Week! 
🎭 The best UK comedians from iconic shows
🏛️ Experience a comedy night at the legendary 30 Dean Street in Soho
😂 Laughter-filled evening perfect for friends, dates, or solo fun
General Info
📅 Date: Thursdays, Friday & Saturdays
⏰ Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
🕒 Show: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
🕒 Late show: 9:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
📍 Location: 30 Dean St,  London, W1D 3RZ
👤 Age: 18+ with valid ID
Description Get ready for a night of side-splitting comedy at Soho Comedy Factory, now at its brand-new venue, 30 Dean Street! This is the perfect setting for an uproarious night of laughs, featuring the best comedians from popular UK shows. Make sure to arrive early for the best seats, and prepare for an unforgettable evening. With a stellar lineup of top comedic talent, this is the ultimate way to enjoy a night out in Soho. Secure your tickets now!

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बारे में घटना

Thursdays, Friday & Saturdays at Soho Comedy Factory

6 मार्च 2025, 12:00 am (GMT +0)
30 Dean Street Ltd. London

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