⭐️ Join us for Handmade Gnocchi with Vodka Sauce - Atlanta and master the art of making pillow-soft gnocchi from scratch!
🍝 Create the perfect dough for gnocchi and shape it into beautiful dumplings.
🍷 Assist in crafting a rich, creamy vodka sauce with the guidance of a chef.
🍽️ Enjoy your delicious homemade gnocchi paired with a classic vodka sauce.
General Info
📅 Times and Dates: various dates and times are available, choose directly in the ticket selector
📍 Location: Reverb by Hard Rock (89 Centennial Olympic Park Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30313)
👤 Age Requirements: 21+ only
🍸 Drinks are available for purchase at the venue and are not included in the ticket price
♿ Accessibility: This event is not wheelchair accessible
❗ For this event, all sales are final and tickets can’t be refunded, changed, or modified. For more information, please refer to our T&Cs.
Description Get ready to learn the art of making Handmade Gnocchi with Vodka Sauce - Atlanta! In this hands-on class, you’ll craft pillowy soft gnocchi from scratch and help prepare a flavorful vodka sauce from scratch. Under the guidance of an expert chef, you’ll create a classic Italian dish that will leave you wanting more. The class will take place at Reverb by Hard Rock, where you’ll be seated with your booking party and work together to share ingredients and equipment. Please arrive 15 minutes early for check-in. Get your tickets now for Handmade Gnocchi with Vodka Sauce in Atlanta!
⭐️ Join us for Handmade Gnocchi with Vodka Sauce - Atlanta and master the art of making pillow-soft gnocchi from scratch!
🍝 Create the perfect dough for gnocchi and shape it into beautiful dumplings.
🍷 Assist in crafting a rich, creamy vodka sauce with the guidance of a chef.
🍽️ Enjoy your delicious homemade gnocchi paired with a classic vodka sauce.
General Info
📅 Times and Dates: various dates and times are available, choose directly in the ticket selector
📍 Location: Reverb by Hard Rock (89 Centennial Olympic Park Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30313)
👤 Age Requirements: 21+ only
🍸 Drinks are available for purchase at the venue and are not included in the ticket price
♿ Accessibility: This event is not wheelchair accessible
❗ For this event, all sales are final and tickets can’t be refunded, changed, or modified. For more information, please refer to our T&Cs.
Description Get ready to learn the art of making Handmade Gnocchi with Vodka Sauce - Atlanta! In this hands-on class, you’ll craft pillowy soft gnocchi from scratch and help prepare a flavorful vodka sauce from scratch. Under the guidance of an expert chef, you’ll create a classic Italian dish that will leave you wanting more. The class will take place at Reverb by Hard Rock, where you’ll be seated with your booking party and work together to share ingredients and equipment. Please arrive 15 minutes early for check-in. Get your tickets now for Handmade Gnocchi with Vodka Sauce in Atlanta!
Please note that event ticket purchases are made on a partner site. If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please reach out to the partner site directly.
Please note that event ticket purchases are made on a partner site. If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please reach out to the partner site directly.