Tentang Peristiwa

Hertha Berlin vs Greuther Fürth. German 2. Bundesliga. Football (Soccer). 2025-05-03 13:00, Olympiastadion (Berlin), Berlin, Germany. Witness triumphs at our spectacle, where athleticism and teamwork unite in a captivating display of skill and dedication.

Date and time are subject to change
Hertha Berlin vs Greuther Fürth. German 2. Bundesliga. Football (Soccer). 2025-05-03 13:00, Olympiastadion (Berlin), Berlin, Germany. Witness triumphs at our spectacle, where athleticism and teamwork unite in a captivating display of skill and dedication.

Date and time are subject to change

Jenis Tiket





132 EUR



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Tentang Peristiwa

Hertha Berlin vs Greuther Fürth

3 Mei 2025, 13.00
Olympiastadion (Berlin) Berlin Olympischer Platz 3 14053 Berlin
132 EUR

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