⭐️ Discover the secrets of Italian cuisine in Fresh Pasta 101 - SF , where you'll learn to create perfect pasta and rich Bolognese sauce in a fun and interactive class!
🍝 Master the art of making silky pasta dough and transform it into Pappardelle, Capellini, and hand-cut noodles.
🍲 Prepare a classic Bolognese sauce to complement your handmade pasta.
🍷 Enjoy a BYOB experience—bring your favorite beer, wine, or champagne if you're 21+.
General Info
📅 Times and Dates: various dates and times are available, choose directly in the ticket selector
📍 Location: Shared SF, 739 Bryant St, San Francisco, CA 94107
👤 Age Requirements: 18+ only, children aged 14-17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
♿ Accessibility: This event is not wheelchair accessible
🍹 Drinks Options: BYOB – Beer, wine, or champagne for those over the age of 21
❗ For this event, all sales are final and tickets can’t be refunded, changed, or modified. For more information, please refer to our T&Cs .
Description Join us for Fresh Pasta 101 - SF and embark on a culinary journey through Italian flavors! Under the guidance of an expert chef, you'll learn to make silky pasta dough from scratch and shape it into Pappardelle, Capellini, and hand-cut noodles. While the dough rests, dive into the process of preparing a rich Bolognese sauce to pair with your pasta. Whether you're an experienced cook or a beginner, this hands-on class is designed for everyone. Bring your favorite drinks, enjoy your delicious creations, and savor a memorable evening of food and fun! Get your tickets now for Fresh Pasta 101 - SF!
⭐️ Discover the secrets of Italian cuisine in Fresh Pasta 101 - SF , where you'll learn to create perfect pasta and rich Bolognese sauce in a fun and interactive class!
🍝 Master the art of making silky pasta dough and transform it into Pappardelle, Capellini, and hand-cut noodles.
🍲 Prepare a classic Bolognese sauce to complement your handmade pasta.
🍷 Enjoy a BYOB experience—bring your favorite beer, wine, or champagne if you're 21+.
General Info
📅 Times and Dates: various dates and times are available, choose directly in the ticket selector
📍 Location: Shared SF, 739 Bryant St, San Francisco, CA 94107
👤 Age Requirements: 18+ only, children aged 14-17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
♿ Accessibility: This event is not wheelchair accessible
🍹 Drinks Options: BYOB – Beer, wine, or champagne for those over the age of 21
❗ For this event, all sales are final and tickets can’t be refunded, changed, or modified. For more information, please refer to our T&Cs .
Description Join us for Fresh Pasta 101 - SF and embark on a culinary journey through Italian flavors! Under the guidance of an expert chef, you'll learn to make silky pasta dough from scratch and shape it into Pappardelle, Capellini, and hand-cut noodles. While the dough rests, dive into the process of preparing a rich Bolognese sauce to pair with your pasta. Whether you're an experienced cook or a beginner, this hands-on class is designed for everyone. Bring your favorite drinks, enjoy your delicious creations, and savor a memorable evening of food and fun! Get your tickets now for Fresh Pasta 101 - SF!
Please note that event ticket purchases are made on a partner site. If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please reach out to the partner site directly.
Please note that event ticket purchases are made on a partner site. If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please reach out to the partner site directly.