Про Подія

San Marino vs Bosnia and Herzegovina. FIFA World Cup qualification. Football (Soccer). 2025-09-06 20:45, San Marino Stadium, Seravalle, San Marino. Witness triumphs at our spectacle, where athleticism and teamwork unite in a captivating display of skill and dedication.

Date and time are subject to change
Event will not start before Tuesday at 00:00 and not after Saturday at 00:35
Поділися з друзями: viber
San Marino vs Bosnia and Herzegovina. FIFA World Cup qualification. Football (Soccer). 2025-09-06 20:45, San Marino Stadium, Seravalle, San Marino. Witness triumphs at our spectacle, where athleticism and teamwork unite in a captivating display of skill and dedication.

Date and time are subject to change
Event will not start before Tuesday at 00:00 and not after Saturday at 00:35
Поділися з друзями: viber

Тип квитка





74 EUR

В наявності




Про Подія

San Marino vs Bosnia and Herzegovina

6 вер. 2025 р., 20:45
San Marino Stadium Seravalle
74 EUR

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