Про Подія

The Brothers Yee Fat Tuesday. Members of The Bogmen Performing the Spectacular Songs of the New Orlean's Greats (Fats Domino, Lee Dorsey, The Meters, Dr. John, and more)!. 2025-03-04 19:00, The Bowery Electric, New York, United States. Tune in to a sonic haven where diverse genres collide, crafting a truly enchanting musical experience.
Поділися з друзями: viber
The Brothers Yee Fat Tuesday. Members of The Bogmen Performing the Spectacular Songs of the New Orlean's Greats (Fats Domino, Lee Dorsey, The Meters, Dr. John, and more)!. 2025-03-04 19:00, The Bowery Electric, New York, United States. Tune in to a sonic haven where diverse genres collide, crafting a truly enchanting musical experience.
Поділися з друзями: viber

Тип квитка





43 USD

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Про Подія

The Brothers Yee Fat Tuesday. Members of The Bogmen Performing the Spectacular Songs of the New Orlean's Greats (Fats Domino, Lee Dorsey, The Meters, Dr. John, and more)!

4 бер. 2025 р., 19:00 (GMT -5)
The Bowery Electric New York
43 USD

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