عن الحدث

Godspeed You! Black Emperor in Tijuana. 2025-05-02 19:00, Bujazán Cinema at Observatorio Centro de Estudios Cinematograficos - Complex, Tijuana, Mexico. Tune in to a sonic haven where diverse genres collide, crafting a truly enchanting musical experience.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor in Tijuana. 2025-05-02 19:00, Bujazán Cinema at Observatorio Centro de Estudios Cinematograficos - Complex, Tijuana, Mexico. Tune in to a sonic haven where diverse genres collide, crafting a truly enchanting musical experience.

نوع التذكرة





98 USD



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عن الحدث

Godspeed You! Black Emperor in Tijuana

٠٢‏/٠٥‏/٢٠٢٥، ٧:٠٠ م (GMT -7)
Bujazán Cinema at Observatorio Centro de Estudios Cinematograficos - Complex Tijuana
98 USD

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