⭐ Lincoln Road Hustle , presented by Miami New Drama , is an immersive show staged across Lincoln Road. Audiences walk across locations as the drama unfolds around them, and they find themselves in the center of Miami’s most explosive new scandal. This is theatre taken to a whole new level—don’t miss the world premiere of this groundbreaking production!
🎭 Theater on a whole new level, as Lincoln Road’s restaurants, shops, and public spaces transform into live stages
🎧 Audiences walk between scenes, eavesdropping on real-time conversations using state-of-the-art headphones 
💥 A colorful cast and an explosive storyline 
🌴 Madness, mischief, and mayhem—so authentically Miami
✍️ Written by Billy Corben and Harley Elias 
General Info
📅 Date: December 6, 2024 - February 16, 2025
🕒 Time: 7:30 p.m. (7 p.m. on Sundays)
⏳ Duration: 2 hours 
📍 Location: Staged Across Lincoln Road, Miami Beach (Meeting point at the Colony Theatre)
👤 Age requirement: 14+
♿ Accessibility: the location is accessible
❓ Please consult the FAQs of this experience here
Description Lincoln Road Hustle takes audiences across restaurants, shops, and secret locations on Lincoln Road, as they eavesdrop on real-time conversations that shouldn’t be overhead. At the center of it all is a major real estate deal: the development of a casino set to transform Miami Beach. A Michelin-ready chef on the brink, an Instagram influencer, a judgemental mother-in-law, and a billion-dollar heist all collide in one explosive night. This is a story as Miami as it gets—get your tickets for Lincoln Road Hustle in Miami!
⭐ Lincoln Road Hustle , presented by Miami New Drama , is an immersive show staged across Lincoln Road. Audiences walk across locations as the drama unfolds around them, and they find themselves in the center of Miami’s most explosive new scandal. This is theatre taken to a whole new level—don’t miss the world premiere of this groundbreaking production!
🎭 Theater on a whole new level, as Lincoln Road’s restaurants, shops, and public spaces transform into live stages
🎧 Audiences walk between scenes, eavesdropping on real-time conversations using state-of-the-art headphones 
💥 A colorful cast and an explosive storyline 
🌴 Madness, mischief, and mayhem—so authentically Miami
✍️ Written by Billy Corben and Harley Elias 
General Info
📅 Date: December 6, 2024 - February 16, 2025
🕒 Time: 7:30 p.m. (7 p.m. on Sundays)
⏳ Duration: 2 hours 
📍 Location: Staged Across Lincoln Road, Miami Beach (Meeting point at the Colony Theatre)
👤 Age requirement: 14+
♿ Accessibility: the location is accessible
❓ Please consult the FAQs of this experience here
Description Lincoln Road Hustle takes audiences across restaurants, shops, and secret locations on Lincoln Road, as they eavesdrop on real-time conversations that shouldn’t be overhead. At the center of it all is a major real estate deal: the development of a casino set to transform Miami Beach. A Michelin-ready chef on the brink, an Instagram influencer, a judgemental mother-in-law, and a billion-dollar heist all collide in one explosive night. This is a story as Miami as it gets—get your tickets for Lincoln Road Hustle in Miami!

Art des Tickets





49 USD



Lincoln Road Hustle

19.12.2024, 00:00 (GMT +0)
Colony Theatre Miami
49 USD

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