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06 June, 19:30, Fri
Decapitated + Cryptopsy + Warbringer + Carnation. 2025-06-06 19:30, Locomotiv Club, Bologn ...
3684 USD
Decapitated + Cryptopsy + Warbringer + Carnation. 2025-06-06 19:30, Locomotiv Cl ...
10 May, 20:30, Sat
Gazebo Penguins. 2025-05-10 20:30, Locomotiv Club, Bologna, Italy. Tune in to a sonic have ...
Gazebo Penguins. 2025-05-10 20:30, Locomotiv Club, Bologna, Italy. Tune in to a ...
08 July, 21:30, Tue
Alice Cooper. 2025-07-08 21:30, Parco delle Caserme Rosse (Sequoie), Bologna, Italy. Tune ...
90 USD
Alice Cooper. 2025-07-08 21:30, Parco delle Caserme Rosse (Sequoie), Bologna, It ...
16 May, 20:00, Fri
Gerburg Jahnke und Katie Freudenschuss. 2025-05-16 20:00, Savoy Theater Düsseldorf, Dussel ...
97 USD
26 April, 20:00, Sat
Civil War - Guns N Roses Tribute (Italy). 2025-04-26 20:00, Silvercube Lounge, Dielsdorf, ...
1069 USD
18 May, 13:00, Sun
BSG Chemie Leipzig vs FC Carl Zeiss Jena. 2025-05-18 13:00, Alfred Kunze Sportpark, Leipzi ...
73 USD
02 April, 19:30, Wed
RESPECT - A Celebration of Aretha Franklin. 2025-04-02 19:30, The Hanover Theatre & Conser ...
70 USD
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