Make More People Laugh Their Heads Off with ME-Ticket

The comedy begins with a joke, and ticket sales launch with ME-Ticket. Whether it's a standup festival or a magic shop parody, we're here to help you bring more smiles into this world.


No Commission

When selling tickets on ME-Ticket, you may not worry about hidden fees. Our platform is completely free to use, and customers are notified of the small payment system fee in advance.

No Commission
Flexible Event Management

Flexible Event Management

You no longer need to track each individual ticket since ME-Ticket's sales procedures are totally autonomous. In only a few clicks, you may pause sales and change event information. And, with so many editing options, setting up new event listings from prior templates has never been easier.


Customers' cybersecurity is one of ME-Ticket's top priorities. All the data about event organizers and attendees is under reliable protection. We do not allow the slightest abuse of personal information.

Ticket Scanner App

Aplicativo de scanner de ingressos

Forget about ticket scanners which will cost you a pretty penny. We have developed a free ME-Ticket App which features a QR code scanner. The app is compatible with iOS e Android, and is quite simple to use. Confirm booking and registration for your event with just a few taps!


Se você gostaria de contar mais aos clientes sobre seus serviços, mas não tem tempo para gastar no desenvolvimento de seu próprio site, nós temos o que você precisa. Com nossa plataforma ME-Page, criar uma landing page dedicada para o seu produto é muito fácil. Crie uma solicitação e você receberá uma página elaborada com todas as informações necessárias reunidas em um só lugar.
