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08 November, 19:30, Sat
Radio rush - the moving pictures story. 2025-11-08 19:30, The Empire Theatre, Belleville, ...
65 USD
Radio rush - the moving pictures story. 2025-11-08 19:30, The Empire Theatre, B ...
10 April, 19:30, Thu
The Jim Cuddy Band. 2025-04-10 19:30, The Empire Theatre, Belleville, Canada. Tune in to a ...
60 USD
The Jim Cuddy Band. 2025-04-10 19:30, The Empire Theatre, Belleville, Canada. Tu ...
06 June, 19:30, Fri
Pretzel Logic - Steely Dan Tribute. 2025-06-06 19:30, The Empire Theatre, Belleville, Cana ...
Pretzel Logic - Steely Dan Tribute. 2025-06-06 19:30, The Empire Theatre, Bellev ...
19 April, 19:30, Sat
Gowan - Strange Animal 40th Anniversary. 2025-04-19 19:30, The Empire Theatre, Belleville, ...
103 USD
Gowan - Strange Animal 40th Anniversary. 2025-04-19 19:30, The Empire Theatre, B ...
27 March, 19:30, Thu
Brent Butt. 2025-03-27 19:30, The Empire Theatre, Belleville, Canada. Immerse in diverse t ...
52 USD
Brent Butt. 2025-03-27 19:30, The Empire Theatre, Belleville, Canada. Immerse in ...
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