Tentang Peristiwa

⭐ Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before in Stockholm. Get your tickets now to discover the music of Rings & Dragons at Eric Ericsonhallen under the gentle glow of candlelight.
General Info
📍 Venue: Eric Ericsonhallen
📅 Dates and times: select your dates/times directly in the ticket selector
⏳ Duration: 60 minutes (doors open 40 mins prior to the start time and late entry is not permitted)
👤 Age requirement: 8 years old or older. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
♿ Accessibility: this venue is wheelchair accessible
❓ View the FAQs for this event here 🪑 Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
🕯️ If you would like to book a private concert or buy regular tickets for a large group (+30 people), click here
🎻 Check out all the Candlelight concerts in Stockholm
🎁 To treat your friends and family to a Candlelight gift card, click here
🍷 Drinks will be available for purchase from the bar before the concert Tentative
Programme Game of Thrones Theme Section 1: Fellowship of the Ring Pt 1 The Shire Gollum The Caverns of Isengard Section 2: Fellowship of the Ring Pt 2 Flaming Red Hair The Passing of the Elves Saruman the White Section 3: Game of Thrones Winter Is Coming Fire and Blood The Rains of Castamere Light of the Seven Bastard Section 4: Return of the King The Lighting of the Beacons Section 5: Final piece (also from RotK) The Grace of Undómiel Performers String Quartet - Rose Kvartetten Seating Map
⭐ Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before in Stockholm. Get your tickets now to discover the music of Rings & Dragons at Eric Ericsonhallen under the gentle glow of candlelight.
General Info
📍 Venue: Eric Ericsonhallen
📅 Dates and times: select your dates/times directly in the ticket selector
⏳ Duration: 60 minutes (doors open 40 mins prior to the start time and late entry is not permitted)
👤 Age requirement: 8 years old or older. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
♿ Accessibility: this venue is wheelchair accessible
❓ View the FAQs for this event here 🪑 Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
🕯️ If you would like to book a private concert or buy regular tickets for a large group (+30 people), click here
🎻 Check out all the Candlelight concerts in Stockholm
🎁 To treat your friends and family to a Candlelight gift card, click here
🍷 Drinks will be available for purchase from the bar before the concert Tentative
Programme Game of Thrones Theme Section 1: Fellowship of the Ring Pt 1 The Shire Gollum The Caverns of Isengard Section 2: Fellowship of the Ring Pt 2 Flaming Red Hair The Passing of the Elves Saruman the White Section 3: Game of Thrones Winter Is Coming Fire and Blood The Rains of Castamere Light of the Seven Bastard Section 4: Return of the King The Lighting of the Beacons Section 5: Final piece (also from RotK) The Grace of Undómiel Performers String Quartet - Rose Kvartetten Seating Map

Jenis Tiket





410 SEK



Habis dijual


Tentang Peristiwa

Candlelight: Rings & Dragons

15 Mac 2025, 12:00 PG (GMT +0)
Eric Ericsonhallen Stockholm
410 SEK

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