⭐️ Discover the art of traditional dumpling making with Traditional Asian Dumplings - Atlanta , where you’ll master the techniques of crafting Mandu, Siu Mai, and Gyoza from scratch!
🥟 Learn to make three types of dumplings from Korean, Japanese, and Chinese culinary traditions.
🔪 Gain hands-on knife safety skills and use professional tools like Chef’s and Paring Knives.
🍜 Enjoy your freshly steamed dumplings with a delicious homemade dipping sauce. General Info
📅 Times and Dates: various dates and times are available, choose directly in the ticket selector (Please arrive 15 minutes early to check in, especially if you’re part of a large group)
📍 Location: Schoolhouse Brewing, 840 Franklin Ct Suite 100, Marietta, GA, 30067
👤 Age Requirements: 21+ only
🍸 Outside drinks are not allowed. Drinks are available for purchase from the venue and are NOT included in the ticket price
♿ Accessibility: This event is not wheelchair accessible
❗ For this event, all sales are final and tickets can’t be refunded, changed, or modified. For more information, please refer to our T&Cs .
Description Join us for Traditional Asian Dumplings - Atlanta and immerse yourself in the rich traditions of Asian dumpling making! In this hands-on class, you’ll learn the unique folding techniques for Mandu, Siu Mai, and Gyoza, along with two different fillings—Chicken/Veggie and Vegan. You’ll also gain knife skills as you prepare your ingredients, guided by a professional chef. Once your dumplings are steamed to perfection, you’ll enjoy them along with a delicious dipping sauce in the company of fellow food enthusiasts. Get your tickets now for Traditional Asian Dumplings - Atlanta!
⭐️ Discover the art of traditional dumpling making with Traditional Asian Dumplings - Atlanta , where you’ll master the techniques of crafting Mandu, Siu Mai, and Gyoza from scratch!
🥟 Learn to make three types of dumplings from Korean, Japanese, and Chinese culinary traditions.
🔪 Gain hands-on knife safety skills and use professional tools like Chef’s and Paring Knives.
🍜 Enjoy your freshly steamed dumplings with a delicious homemade dipping sauce. General Info
📅 Times and Dates: various dates and times are available, choose directly in the ticket selector (Please arrive 15 minutes early to check in, especially if you’re part of a large group)
📍 Location: Schoolhouse Brewing, 840 Franklin Ct Suite 100, Marietta, GA, 30067
👤 Age Requirements: 21+ only
🍸 Outside drinks are not allowed. Drinks are available for purchase from the venue and are NOT included in the ticket price
♿ Accessibility: This event is not wheelchair accessible
❗ For this event, all sales are final and tickets can’t be refunded, changed, or modified. For more information, please refer to our T&Cs .
Description Join us for Traditional Asian Dumplings - Atlanta and immerse yourself in the rich traditions of Asian dumpling making! In this hands-on class, you’ll learn the unique folding techniques for Mandu, Siu Mai, and Gyoza, along with two different fillings—Chicken/Veggie and Vegan. You’ll also gain knife skills as you prepare your ingredients, guided by a professional chef. Once your dumplings are steamed to perfection, you’ll enjoy them along with a delicious dipping sauce in the company of fellow food enthusiasts. Get your tickets now for Traditional Asian Dumplings - Atlanta!
Please note that event ticket purchases are made on a partner site. If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please reach out to the partner site directly.
Please note that event ticket purchases are made on a partner site. If you have any questions or concerns about this event, please reach out to the partner site directly.