How to Create Festivals on ME-Ticket: Tips for Organizing Long Events

Festivals are more than just a way to have fun. Beyond providing positive emotions, festivals can broaden horizons and foster a sense of community within a society. Over time, festivals become integral parts of our daily lives. That's why we've decided to inform organizers about how ME-Ticket can assist in organizing such events.

Type and Category

For your festival to be displayed in our catalog, you need to select the Event Type and Categories. Currently, you can select from the following categories of festivals on ME-Ticket:

ME-Ticket Festivals
  • Beauty;
  • Business;
  • Comedy;
  • Culture;
  • Dance;
  • Education;
  • Experience;
  • Health;
  • Music;
  • Sports.

Depending on the selected type, you will be able to choose the event category in the future. There are quite a lot of categories, so we'll not list them all in this article. However, if the category you need is not listed for the type you selected, you can also use categories for other types.

Event Description 

A perfect event description is a text ranging from 300 to 700 characters. It should offer an overview of the event, describe what will happen during the event, highlight the experience visitors can expect, and outline what is included in the price of the pass.

Try to write text in the style of your festival. If it is more related to the entertainment sector, make the description more vivid, with a wide range of adjectives that will help paint a picture of your event. If you have an educational or business event, the words you use in the description should be more restrained, and the text itself should be more functional in nature, that is, answer briefly the visitor’s basic questions.

Event Description


Large festivals, forums, and summits often span several days. Let's explore how ME-Ticket can assist in organizing a multi-day event:

  1. Organize several events, each tailored to individual activities within the overarching event.

  2. Organize one large event, with universal entry to various events.


Tickets Type

Let's look at the types of tickets you may need depending on the parameters of your event:

1. VIP - This ticket type is suitable if your event has the ability to provide the best experience for different types of visitors. Naturally, this ticket implies a higher price.

2. Free - If entry to your event does not require payment, then this type will be the best solution for you. You can also use this type for specially invited guests or a team of sponsors or organizers.

3. Child - If your event provides a special price for children, you can choose this type of ticket. Please note that children's tickets are usually cheaper than adult tickets at the pricing stage.

Festival Tickets

4. Student - For visitors studying at school or university, this type of ticket will help you. Typically, priced lower than adult tickets.

5. Senior - Designed for adult visitors, this ticket is usually priced higher than "Children's" and "Student" tickets.

6. Merch Bundle - You can enter a separate type of ticket, that includes the cost of official festival merch.

7. Single Day Pass - Grants entry for one day of events spanning multiple days and provides entry for one day.

We hope our tips will help you create an event that will completely satisfy your audience. While the process may initially seem complex, we're here and ready to help if you encounter any difficulties.

Our team is committed to further developing ME-Ticket into a universal assistant that will help resolve all issues with ticket generation, distribution and authentication. In the meantime, feel free to try creating your event by logging in to the site and accessing your personal account to get started.

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